He Ain’t What You Need!!

This will be short and sweet: Ladies, if you have a man who can find the time to be with you when he wants to have sex with you, but can’t find the time to help you when you aren’t opening your legs, he is not the man for you. Are you hearing me?? If your man loves having sex with you, but he can’t take you to the grocery store, you need to leave his ass alone. PLEASE!!!

There’s a bartender at one of my favorite spots, and she’s been telling myself and a buddy about her so-called “boyfriend”, who seems to always make himself available when she wants sex, but when she asked him to help her pick up something for her house, he came up with every reason why he couldn’t do it. Now, she’s not even asking him to pay for it. She simply needs his truck to pick the stuff up!! I was dumbfounded!! I mean, she’s not asking him to spend any money; all he has to do is take her to the store. Now if a man can’t do that simple task for a woman he’s getting the booty from, what’s her benefit?

When will you ladies learn to stop giving up ass to a man who does nothing else for you? Stop putting expectations on the d**k, and instead put those expectations on the man before you give him sex. That way he knows in advance that sleeping with you will incur additional responsibilities. Sure, he may take his stick elsewhere…so be it. You’re a woman, and it really isn’t that hard for you to find another one…especially if that’s all you want.

But if you want a man to actually help you once in a while, you might want to make sure he’s willing to do more for you than just lay between your thighs.

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  1. It’s not like we go in knowing the dudes are buttheads, we usually find out after we get shit on..lol! I know it seems very cut and dry…he doesn’t do right, then cut him. But let’s look at it this way, women, BLACK women especially, have been taught to confuse defending themselves with abandoning our men. Ladies, how many times have we heard “Dang you left a ni**a for that?” and usually it is from other brothers. The problem is that we have notoriously developed the reputation of being the backbone of the race and now it seems of society. I don’t think d**k is all we want, sometimes that is all a dude is worth. My advice to your bartender friend would be not to have a boyfriend, just date. It is amazing how much you can get out of a guy you are dating, then one who already has you.

  2. Vaild point and I couldn’t agree more with Felicia’s last sentence. When there’s no expectations, everything flows better.

  3. Like I’ve said before, if you don’t want expectations, keep it that way…don’t suddenly bring them into the picture, cause it won’t be a pretty sight.

    Felicia, you are also correct. When you a man is dating you, he typically wants to make his best impressions on you, so you will get quite a bit out of him. However, I will say this: don’t take it for granted, because we can flip the script real fast.

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